Thursday, April 17, 2008

Window Watching

As of late our family has experienced a period of illness. This has prevented little one and mama from venturing out into the outreaches of our abode. Therefore to supplement for lack of outdoor exposure, the little one reaches up on his tip top toes to seek pleasures from our scenic view. AKA, beautiful Ponderosa pine forest and the occasional passerby playing Frisbee golf. He also enjoys chattering down to the players to see if any reply may be offered. It is quite entertaining for the mama as well as those select passersby that thrill the little one with a, "hey there."


roundgal said...

Draven is the cutest boy ever!!

Cammy Patton said...

What a great photo! He is quite adorable and I will allow you to think he is the cutest ever... but my friend... it is quite a competitive race. Love ya!

fivekidsandsomechocolate said...

He is a cute boy. Being stuck inside is a sad thing.